How to boost your Immunity
July 31, 2019The immune system is precisely a system, not a single entity. It consists of white blood cells, antibodies and other components, including organs and lymph nodes. To function well, it requires balance and harmony. The immune system protects the body from infections. However, many disorders and conditions can weaken the immune system and can cause a person to become immunocompromised. A person with a weak immune system becomes susceptible to infection. These individuals may also find themselves dealing with an infection that a person with stronger immunity would not. Following general good-health guidelines are the best steps you can take for boosting your immune system along with keeping it strong and healthy.

1) Diet:
The healthy immune system needs good, regular nourishment. It is found that people with low socio-economic conditions who are malnourished are more vulnerable to infectious diseases. No single food item will upgrade your immune system. What counts is having a balanced diet. Fruits, especially citrus fruits rich in vitamin C are thought to increase the production of WBC. As your body does not produce or store it, the daily need for Vitamin C is a must. Vegetables like broccoli, spinach are packed with vitamins A, C and E also antioxidants and fibers are found to boost your immune system. Poultry is rich in vitamin B6, which plays a vital role in the formation of new and healthy RBC. If you suspect your diet is not providing you with all the nutrients, daily vitamins and mineral supplements that may bring benefits on the immune system then there are various herbal preparations available to boost your immunity.
2) Age and the immune system:
As we age, immune response capability decreases, which contribute to more infection. Compared to younger people, the elder population has more chance to contract infectious diseases. Various respiratory conditions like pneumonia, influenza type A are the leading causes of death in people above 65 worldwide. With age, the power of t cells to fight the infection also decreases. Hence old people tend to get infections quite easily. Older individuals tend to eat less and sometimes have less selection in their diet. Hence, dietary supplementation is found to be beneficial in older people. The vaccinations for influenza and pneumonia have impressively lowered the rate of sickness and death in older people as compared to the no vaccination phase.
3) Stress and immunity:
Stress will weaken the system and make a person more susceptible to health problems. It suppresses the immune response of the body by releasing the hormone cortisol. Cortisol interferes with the cells to reproduce and receives signals from the body. Cortisol also decreases the antibody secretory IgA, which is our first line of defense in the gut and respiratory tract. It is essential for the people with low immunity to manage their stress well. Practices that will scale back and manage stress include- yoga, meditation, massages.

4) Exercise:
Just like a healthy diet, exercise contributes to good health and a healthy immune system. It may also contribute even a lot by directly promoting sensible circulation that permits the cells and substances of the system to maneuver through the body freely and do their job expeditiously. Any sort of rigorous physical activity or exercise flushes bacteria out from the lungs along with the airways. This may reduce your chances of getting a fever or flu. Also, the sudden rise in temperature of your body during and while performing exercise may help in preventing the bacteria from growing and this temperature rise can help the body to fight better with the infections.

5) Moderate your alcohol intake:
Excess alcohol consumption impairs the immune system and increases its vulnerability to lung infection. However, moderate consumption of alcohol can be helpful to the overall health of the body. Moderate drinking helps in fighting off cardiovascular diseases too, as they increase the high-density lipoprotein HDL and higher HDL level means better protection against heart diseases. Not only this, it reduces the risk of diabetes too with providing better sensitivity to insulin to other factors responsible for influencing blood clotting, such as tissue-type plasminogen activator, fibrinogen, etc.
6) Get sufficient sleep:
It is found that sleep deprivation has a similar effect on the body’s immune system as stress. Lack of sleep can cause, reducing the activity of the cells in the body. This can weaken your immune system and response to vaccines. Try to sleep for 7 to 8 hours. If you happen to be traveling in different time zones regularly, consume 2-3 mg of melatonin to reset the circadian rhythm. Quality sleep can strengthen the t cells in your body and can fight off infection. This takes place when good sleep improves the ability of the cells to attach and destroy cells infected by other viruses and bacteria.

7) Quit smoking:
Smoking impairs the immune system severely. It harms both adaptive and innate immunity. It can also increase the chances of developing harmful pathogenic immune responses and it also decreases the effectiveness of your immune system’s defenses. Smoke damages the lung tissues which are quite sensitive and increases the risk for respiratory infections like bronchitis and pneumonia. Smoke contains tar and toxins which destroy antibodies and decreases your ability to fight off infections. It also triggers autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, which are very hard to treat. However, if you wish to continue, there are alternatives like nicotine patches or electronic cigarettes, which help to quit smoking and are less harmful.
8) Hygiene:
What are the simplest ways for an individual with a weak system to remain healthy? It is by sensible hygiene, which incorporates everything around you. Because the absence of proper hygiene can increase the growth of germs leading to the weak immune system. Therefore, try to keep your surroundings neat and clean, take a bath every day, wash hands at regular interval which regulates the growth of bacteria and viruses. Consume fresh food, drink fresh, clean water, avoid food items from the roadside and wear clean washed clothes