Finding Inner Peace with QiGong

October 28, 2021 By smith 0

Many practices that have their roots in the Asian continent promote mental health, self-love, and spiritual connection. These practices have grown in popularity due to their proven benefits to a person’s overall health. Yoga might be the most popular among these, although not everyone who…

How Does an Electric Wheelchair Work

October 14, 2021 By smith 0

You might have a loved one who uses an electric wheelchair or you might be looking to upgrade from a manual wheelchair to a power wheelchair for yourself for greater ease and comfort. Electric wheelchairs enable a greater sense of autonomy for the user and…

What to eat post workout

March 17, 2021 By smith 0

There are an unlimited number of benefits associated with exercise – improved mental and physical health, increased endorphin production and reducing the risk of developing many cardiovascular diseases, and while working out will assist you on your way to achieving your fitness goals, ensuring you’re…

5 ways to stay motivated in 2021

January 20, 2021 By smith 0

It can be challenging enough to stay motivated and on track with your fitness goals when life is normal but when the whole world is engulfed in a pandemic, staying motivated is a whole lot harder. When the new year begins, it is normal for…

Benefits of Having a Facial Steamer at Home and How to Use It

March 2, 2020 By smith 0

If you are someone who loves to experiment with several types of beauty treatment methods at home, you would have certainly tried out facial steaming at some point in time.  Facial steaming as a beauty enhancing practice has existed for centuries, and the benefits that…

Chronic Disease in the Workplace – How Employee Wellness Program Can Help

February 5, 2020 By smith 0

Chronic diseases are those which have a long course of illness. Most chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and stroke, are the leading cause of death. The non-fatal chronic conditions, such as depression, musculoskeletal disordersand psychological disorders are also major sources of disability. Furthermore,…

My self-diagnosis

February 1, 2020 By smith 0

As the cold months were rolling in, I really started to feel it this year. I’ve always been pretty good in the cold but this year it wasn’t feeling right. I started to put it down to me getting older. Now I’m not in my…

Handful Tips to Choose Your MMA Gloves

November 15, 2019 By smith 0

It is very important to get good gear for your mixed martial arts training. It is fun to buy MMA gear, but some people find it extremely tough to find the best suited gear for them. For MMA, gloves are the most important part of…

Why Morning Is the Right Time for Running?

November 15, 2019 By smith 0

There is an endless debate over the right time to run. Either morning or evening, both of the times have their own benefits. The first step is to at least start running and when you become habitual of running regularly, you can decide which time…

5 Common Problems You May Have With Your Knees

November 6, 2019 By smith 0

Your knees are considered one of the most important joints in your body. They’re what help you to walk, run, sit, and get work done around the house. So when they start to go, it can be a world of pain for you for a…

Does Clothing Really Help You Manage Your Diabetes Condition?

September 26, 2019 By smith 0

Patients struggling with diabetes often suffer from poor circulation, especially in their extremities. This condition, known medically as venous insufficiency, can cause complications like peripheral edema, diabetic foot ulcers, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Wearing compression wear is one way to help maintain proper circulation.…

Do these exercises to lose belly fat quickly

August 14, 2019 By smith 0

Everyday wants to look fit and get those six-pack abs. Yes, this is not difficult, all it requires a lot of hard work and patience and a balanced diet. But the thing is belly fat is hard to lose and it requires a lot of…

6 Life events that can cause you stress

August 13, 2019 By smith 0

Everyone experiences some level of stress in their lives. Hopefully, it’s a minor blip here or there, before life settles back into a normal routine. However, there are certain life events that can bring more stress than usual. Here are six life events that can…